Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Some Thoughts

We choke from the blood on our own hands
Yet blame those too arrogant to bleed properly after we murder them
How they must think America are stranger liberators
What brilliant shade of war we wear
Drape death tolls around our necks
Like authentic Chinese made in the U.S. Kefeyas sold on Canal Street
Celebrate graveyards
And refuse to mourn the God who’s pushing up daisies on our own cotton pickin soil
The dollar is getting weaker
Yet they say war is profitable
Deny Black boys the rights to manhood
But ask them to die like men every day
What name can this God go by
How do I pray to him
What altar must I kneel to

Fox and Friends with Benefits

The sheer awkwardness is just plain funny...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Memories Made in the Coldest Winter

While I certainly sympathize with the serious and sorrowful topic, I think this song is...well you be the judge. And, though for very different reasons, like Kanye West, T-baby is saying, "goodbye my friend."

I have a feeling it just got a little bit colder in the D

Viva Los Angeles - Kevin Sandbloom

I was going to describe this, but I will simply say that if you don't know about Sandbloom, now you know.'re welcome.

Viva Los Angeles
Living where the fool's gold looks like sunshine
I couldn't tell you
I know the difference...

L.A. Gear

"Now in my younger days I used to sport a rag/Backpack full of cans plus a four-four mag/
G'd from the feet up," and, or course, these were a major reason. When I was a young lad, circa 1989, these kicks were all the rage. I saw them the other day and purchased a pair, and in the words of Lupe Fiasco, I think "My sneakers more cleaner than yours/they more meaner more cleaner than yours/I got it mastered."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Performance, Power Protest & Politics

In response to the shooting of Oscar Grant III many Oakland citizens staged a peaceful protest. While I was already aware of incident, Chike Jeffers, a brilliant colleague and friend, sent me this video. My response, "His/their performance is brilliant, disturbing, commendable, heart wrenching, tear provoking, brave and dangerous all at once. This truly is a testament to the power of performance. Thanks for sharing bruh...and lets pray these kinds of incidences do not pepper this new year, but if they do, let us pray harder we all have the type of bravery these young women and men possess." As I watched this, I could not help but to think about Performance Scholar D. Soyini Madison's words. Speaking about the dynamic and powerful potential in performance, she writes, "I do not mean to imply that one performance can bring down a revolution, but one performance can be revolutionary in enlightening citizens to the possibilities that grate against injustice." Indeed, the protest and performance, the protest performance, these young women and men in Oakland engaged in should enlighten us all.